Flat 10% Off On Medicine Orders
2 x Clotrimazole Cream 1% 20g & 3 x Fluconazole 150mg Capsules | ages of 16 – 60
What is Fluconazole?
Fluconazole is treatment for certain yeast infections in men and women such as thrush (candidiasis), vaginal and vulvar yeast infections. Fluconazole can also be used as treatment of those with a weakened immune system due to cancer treatments. Branded versions are known as Diflucan or Canesten.
What are the benefits of taking Fluconazole?
Fluconazole comes in tablet form making quick to take and it is discreet enough to take anywhere. It is a mess-free and clean method as appose to creams and pessaries. The multi-functional tablet can be used for both men and women with symptoms.
What are the symptoms of thrush and yeast infections?
Vaginal thrush can show symptoms such as itchiness, soreness, an odourless white discharge. Penile thrush can include soreness, redness, discharge, tightening of the foreskin. Men however, do not always display any symptoms when they have thrush. If your partner has thrush it is recommended you consult with your doctor.
How do you take Fluconazole?
Take one tablet with water at any time of the day with or without food. You can take up to three Fluconazole but this depends on your symptoms and the severity of the infection. Only your doctor will advise you on the amount of fluconazole to take so a consultation would be advised prior to starting treatment as you should not increase your dosage without advice from a medical professional. In most cases taking one Fluconazole 150mg tablet is enough to clear up the infection as it continues to work after the tablet has been taken. If your symptoms do not change within 1-4 days seek medical advice from your doctor.
What is Clotrimazole cream and what is it used for?
Clotrimazole cream is used for the external symptoms that come with thrush such as redness/inflammation, itching and soreness.
What are the symptoms of thrush and yeast infections?
Vaginal thrush can show symptoms such as itchiness, soreness, an odourless white discharge. Men however, do not always display any symptoms when they have thrush. If your partner has thrush it is recommended you consult with your doctor.
How do you use Clotrimazole cream?
Apply the cream to the external surrounding areas of your vagina and back passgae where symptoms show such as burning skin and itchiness. Rub the cream in gently up to three times daily. If you are on your period you may use the cream during this time. You may use the cream until the internal infection has gone.
What precautions do I need to take before using Fluconazole and Clotrimazole cream?
Always consult with your doctor before using any medications Inform your doctor if you are using any of the following at the time of taking Fluconazole: clotrimazole, cisapride, zidovudine, losartan, azithromycin, cyclosporine and rifampin. Before taking fluconazole make sure your doctor or pharmacist knows: If you are pregnant, trying for a baby or breast-feeding. If you suffer with kidney or liver problems. If you have heart rhythm problems. If you are taking any other medicines, including those available to buy without a prescription, herbal or complementary medicines. If you are under 16 or over 60 speak to your doctor before you take fluconazole. If it returns within 6 months you should visit your doctor. Please consult your doctor if you have any of the following: • Previous history of STD or exposure to partner with an STD. • More than two previous attacks in the last 6 months. • Known hypersensitivity to imidazoles or other vaginal antifungal products. • Pregnancy or suspected pregnancy. • Patient aged less than 16 or over 60. • Any abnormal or irregular vaginal bleeding. • Any blood staining of a vaginal discharge. • Any vulval or vaginal sores, ulcers or blisters. • Any associated lower abdominal pain or dysuria. • No improvement in 7 days. • Any adverse effects such as redness, irritation or swelling associated with the treatment.